Saturday, December 14, 2024

this xmas miracle/curse

i pluck the leaves from the lily and adhere
it to the daffodil. smell
the floral assault i
made that
with these hands and 
sheers and a
little bit of squinting. focus
like lesser constellations like
the pebbles used to wake a paramour from
slumber like
each skip of ice from an angry sky’s tear drops
what is made for me-
for you-
for us- and from one to another.
made monstrous and whole
and beautiful in its otherness.
drifting seamless from
one to another.
the dream-
set an intention.

the thought is what counts this

Saturday, December 7, 2024

coffee prayer


swill it around, drink it down, let it sit with your feeling

another emptiness

this one, like another, like the others, like no other

all flitting between. the flutter of a half-crazed moth

singing away, this arrhythmic clapping of wings. frittering until the light goes out

to rest again, with feet up

in the dark

no other knows me

little to none, little did i know, little to forget

amounting to ash and dust

soundtracked by passing laughter

echoing down the otherwise barren street. one light, long forgotten.

remember us sinners.