I think the title says it all.
felt chill, this tundra
little icebergs and frost heaves in the countryside
I think the title says it all.
grief forever
silly little hopeful giant
silly me and the large dog i rode in on-jaws open, mouth breathing, sure of my own success, still wincing from the scars of the last tarring and feathering
this itch never goes away, does it?
here to assert justice, some howling order to the unraveled order of another outpost in need of heeling-in need of knowing what is expected
silly little me thinking my order is the same-the universe works with or against at will, in fleeting smirks and animated rages of a toddler
silly fly, oblivious-believing all angles are covered before the end arrives in a righteous, almighty slap.
silly giant. silly little me. your/our vision is not all seeing. the hand is not one-size-fits-all. the slap, however, is always almighty.
sorry for the wait, world.
my words are more like nonsense and still, someone is agreeing with me. they’ll come forward, in disinterested clumps/amoebas who can’t be bothered to congeal. hell no, we won’t grow! little tests of disbursement. lessening the impact. still they will arrive at the appropriate moment to chant something like a sad battlecry, another little ditty made by a combination of scatting and yawning. to think, this all came from nothing.
this is
not what i
had in mind
when the day
started. dearly
absent lightning
and broken crack
of thunder. my stare
has traveled the eons
and cosmos. i expect
some raving spectacle
and was met with
unsure cymbal claspings,
shrugs from the players,
less prepared than me
for what comes out of
the sky. today.
know it
you cannot understand
will it be
this relief?
in another world
another time
unlike the
limits of yesterday
and years prior
what once
was a dream-
was a dream.
another nightmare,
little miracles
under the microscope
this life, examined
in short supply
everything must go
not even the
displays will remain
we remake
in a world
brand new.
our greatest
here and now.