Brief note: Working out the last bits on two projects for possible release in the coming months. More on that as the time approaches. Here's the weekly work in the meantime:
This is a grift for the ages
linked to disturbing trends
from the deep past,
packaged with 30 percent
less plastic and a pastel
theme. Made exciting by
influencers with pretty-shaped
noses and an hourglass figure
gripped by the hands of Chronos
himself. Thy memory does not fail
you, even in your hour of vulnerability
to a product you do not need
or have the space for in your already full
basement or that you might have denied
three times before the first crack of
rooster refrain. Even then. You are still
a victim to an angry consumer god who
comes down from his solar paneled heaven
in a Cyber Truck playing Fleetwood Mac out of its speakers and calls everybody “babe” or “stud” and gives one of those winks and snaps
his fingers into pantomime guns. We are all victims
to his glorious awareness of the elasticity of demand and the sustainability of selling old ideas to us after we forget about them. We will one day
worship better false gods. They’ll fix everything when we get there. Just you wait.