Saturday, August 10, 2024

Solara 11-15

Another week and a few more of these.


Thus arrived at the catacombs, our hero lights a torch/the remnants of a lost civilization/the bones, lots of bones from something not quite him, but also entirely familiar/so many arms/where do they all belong/like lonely people/these appendages/crawling in search of comfort on a night with a full moon/the dead and their secrets/the living whisper but the dead, howl/what will they tell one another/ 

The simpler explanation for supernatural events/perhaps a costumed ball/or a trick of sunlight/halloween celebrated at a later date/anything other than the undeniable sense/the knowledge monsters are//in fact//the realest thing about life as we know it/all of these white sheets with eye holes/dancing with punch in their hand/growling hearts/waiting for the civilized to descend into madness themselves/

Up above the cloudline/mountains jawing at one another/left to their own asymmetrical devices/what comes from above the treeline is a mystery and open note quiz/each one/new dialogues with the thinner air/seeking the view without the squawking dementia of the beasts of air/a mountain will wait forever/until every rock has loosened and all that is left/rubble and ash/the clouds laughing mirthless whistles of a knowledge always reached for but never attained/another game to them/a different matter to the rest of us/

Real peace in a single gulp of air/simple and unvarnished/nothing left to consider an accessory to the matter/the viewer looks at the picture/sees himself in the picture/looking at a picture/lets himself fall into the loop he has witnessed/has always witnessed/let us follow this exhibit/this display/to its logical conclusion/in summation/let us to live out the sequence and be caught in its
purest oxygen/know the first and final moment/at once/

I’d like to believe that the best of us/see it/know it/and know its destination/observe and record the trajectories/make impressive calculations/we can land it on the eye of a needle/on the only solid mass found on the sun/or/an island wracked by turbulent seas/we’re seeing what the human spirit might be capable of/as a carousel/round and round into a black hole/down the hatch/with the best of us believing we can still stick the landing/

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