Saturday, August 3, 2024

Solara 7-10

 These are images 7-10. I'll probably start doing 5 at a clip from here on out. 


When examining the cacophony of the static/locate the world’s smallest pestilence/a plague of microscopic variation and proportions/built out of misshapen, sickly molecules/moldy like old food/how we can be sure be sure the good ones get out/when they escape/quiz them with a carefully constructed multiple choice exam/limit validity/only when you feel the vice around the edge tightening itself/the screws turning/the seams coming undone and the deep crush of the weight of the moment upon us at last/

Steal the smoothness from my feet/disrupt easy walking/scowl and scrunch the face in a forced demonstration of pain/show those around you/this is how you perform/on a stage, not there/never really present/grit beneath you/wandering eyes track the flight path of your lumbering to the oblivion of your peace/lest i remind you what it is we’re looking to do here/each step already a trumpet’s cry of agony/

God and a man walked on a beach/god was a lizard who carried the man in his dark times/he also carried him in his light times/God was rather accommodating that way/a holy glow/clear skies/all those goddamned hymns following him like sad little groupies/the man appreciated being carried by God/it made him feel A-OK about life even if God was a scary lizard thing that also smoked a corn cob pipe and wore a monocle from time to time/in a time of miracles, this was among the most unlikely, he supposed/a dull breeze at his back/the beach extended forever/there were worse ways to go/

another monument of stone facing the visitors from the sea/the shoreline is cluttered/we, indiscriminate in our monument building/the step below sainthood/see the cloud’s open/God’s hand reaching down to adjust the playthings built for him/built for the vessels of visitors/they will know what matters to us/if they can find parking/they too will join us/hand in hand (or whatever passes for a hand in their parts/sing their legends into being/we shall craft their truths as well and blot out each grain of sand with edifice/another goes up now/another tomorrow/and the day after/know our truths

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