Saturday, July 27, 2024

Solara 4-6

 Another week, more of the Solara. I also posted the root poem (Solara .5) that inspired image 1. I had it in a separate document before getting started in earnest.

Schooled in the ways of the hunt/from miles away/all these opportunities/bring a friend/feast and famine/sunlight echoing from above us/caught in a ripple/we dream this moment/before impact/each day/each night/moon and sun shifting in arrangement/punch in and punch out/seeing the dream and knowing it is a mind’s projector/slapping images on your optic nerve/this vision for you and you alone/no matter who is there with you in this moment/you will wake up with the moon through the window and a cold, empty space on the other side of the bed/


Not quite one time of day/face unrecognizable/what has this hour done to me/I would be willing to scream, were I sure I that I could/what I have been inside for too long/manifesting on the outer reaches of my person/howl to the flight paths of bats/listen for the rumblings of a nocturnal symphony/hear my silent contribution/as wistful note of oration/forgotten before it has left me/

what was autumn but summer’s dregs/nightfall and the swell of familiar chirps and croaks and bleats and wind swells/another cycle stretched beyond its shelf life/this lasting negative of a photograph expanding into the air-all we see/the image and the reflection/as the dark takes hold and the stars bear witness the movement of the ants below/

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