Saturday, July 20, 2024

Solara .5

 Where would I be without the initial prompt that started the Solara? This is the prompt that generated Solara 1 and became the basis for the continuing process.

grill it/put it to the fire/sear it with the heat reaction/internal/external/absolute and at a minimum//and we’ve been waiting for some sense of closure/some finality on the matter/instead, it’s another slow burning sensation at the outer limits of our own extremities/pins-and-needles-esque/the thermometer will find no purchase/no way to track the errant glow of a body made new through flame/purified in the light/let me sing as the smoke rises/my words will be known/even when the skin droops and melts away and the song becomes a funeral dirge/a fugue/the words a prayer and condemnation/

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