Saturday, September 14, 2024

giving and taken

 another Solara break, probably will just post it on a different day. I've been stepping out from the AI and doing more daily writing of my own. Some of them have been rather fun, so here's a recent one.

giving/what it is giving/some lore/some sense of outrage/boils up through me/giving/what in terms of the gift is the gift and what is the curse/lingering air collecting in pockets of lung/pockets meant to be filled/

less given/more to give/these are the words/pushed forth in some air/foolish love of my life/feel it/

giving/once again/
so much to be taken/
lessons in the abstract/made terrestrial/made with permanent marker on a wall that has been painted over/each time/a new coat/

giving/all of the given/lined up in infinite rows/lines reaching to the very back/giving the sense of eternity/a bad name/

this one/that one/too/lest i work to make you forget/what will be given to me/given to you/this is mine to give/mine alone/take it/foolish–love/i must insist/made for you/

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