Saturday, September 7, 2024

Solara 51-65

 15 more for your general enjoyment/perusal.


I’ve never been more accomplished, in my statement/this mess/I have reaped what I have sown/culled from the aging crops/taken what can be saved/left the rest for the locusts/what you see/now/is the after-image/the negative of the actual photo/left to the stillness/I am pensive in my victory/my eyes do not waver/never off of the horizon/this one is for me/for me/alone/let me bask in it/

A vision/of
time’s victory/of
another reminder/of
god’s laughter/of
mild songs of lament/of
sweet, sonorous silence/of
the aftermath of something/seen/
as nothing/ 

Again, artist behind the art/in plain sight/with their forebears/visual ancestors/ascetic comrades/becoming one/with/creation/an uncertain unification/right in front of us/behind our own frame/in the home of another onlooker’s onlooker/visions of an eternal vigil/uninterrupted through the eons/left to their own musings/look on/ 

You’ve already been able to know me, so well. I’ll drop the act and let the spectacle take me in it’s loving arms. Unbend the knee/oh how the old habits/die hard/. I am fighting to remain present./in this/very moment/you witness the true, /miracle/ I will be made /manifest/a glorious manifestation. My, how the stares of your peers, in horror, mollify and make you happy. how/appalling. How interesting.

What longing? Watching the Sun crash into the Earth again.
These dreams. The projector has 
one film. I can’t look away either.
Looking on /helpless/
like the child when mom and dad
dis/agree/ and there’s nowhere to look
except right into the blaze/knowledge being
what/ever/ it is this time. Some talisman, some
chain. Rooted to the spot. This operation is /already/
a disappointment and a realization. /Both/.

My life has become just another
/imitation/ of some surrealist painter’s
portfolio where I say shocking things
and make still more shocking pictures
in shocking mediums and no one has much
to say but applaud /with gusto/ and /I guess/ 
there’s not much else to do but put the brush
into my solar plexus until it enters my body
and I can finally try painting my /soul/.

Oh god, I didn’t mean it like that. Please
take it away and let it out to the pasture.
/you know what I mean by that/let’s not mince
words /or meat/. Sometimes the reality sets in
and I am filled with buyer’s remorse, at another
Loss. What I’ve commissioned /”what have we done?”/
You know the answer, /so do I/. Let it sink in and do the Lord’s 
work to each of us.

The great plains sing like they are America. The creatures harmonize behind the plains. I am unmoved because I am already America. All of me/is reaching for something pastoral. Something from a place I have no /access/ to anymore. Some part of us long forgotten//. I asked for this, didn’t I? 

A view. A sky. Rocks and trees and overgrowth. Clouds of undetermined menace. I was promised spectacle. I was promised miracles. Here I stand, where I’ve been my whole life. Counting clouds. Waiting for the universe to lift its gaze from the cosmos and pull me up with it to a fate deserved.

Good ol’ respite in the end of a good ol’ bad day. Darn tootin’ and damn skippy and what have us. Not a whole lot to it when the sun winds down and the moon winds up, and I ain’t plum foolin’ myself otherwise. No sequence to interrupt, just the comings and goings of the world and its mischiefs. Me and mine and you and yours, just witnessing the whole spinning mess of a thing, aren’t we? Might as well /crack/ open the suds and /get to it.//

Dream this /world/-World dreams me/Left within confines of a broken, overflowing circle. Slipping from the margins, undoing and cooking myself-in symmetrical /burnings,/ patterns. Longings escaping from their cages/given to their movements, /baser/ instincts. Willing to be lost. Willing to compromise the whole structure-ruin the enterprise. My world rolls over in its /sleep/the alarm rings and /know it/ now. All of it.

still floating, even when the pieces are coming /undone/. stands still at an edge: staring at /the bottom-/-, absorbed by the distance, echoes and shrieks, modulated-pitched /down///remains affixed /to the point assigned___to the silent window to the/whistles coming back from an .abyss. left to its own amusements___gasp at the appropriate interval. any day .now/. 

-alight with clouds/tear it down-gripping the seat’s headrest. old visions of nightmares/combustibles set, in the foreground, the flame/ approaches. never/ letting
it out of our :sight: not blinking/as the rains arrive/as the window fogs/as the mind is left to 
its own devices. we envision a future from what little we have acquired along the way.

-you couldn’t /imagine/-even if you/desired it/what will be left behind/and what will be made of it/when we go,[and we’ve already gone, mate], we’ll be/unable/to set the agenda/any longer/. feel my heart’s ache at the /loss of/ agency. you’ll know it in the space where blood pools and leaves, though it’s not something we’d call a heart [not on you, mate…never that]. you’ll know something similar, something like a feeling/right?/

The fireflies came together to perform a collaborative picture series. We all held hands and smiled. Life was perfect again. Finally/right/. Showing the audience the truth of our priorities. Always/coming back to the heart. A pleasant reminder. We /only/ need love. They seemed to shout. Then they started trying to sell us a timeshare. /we were drawing our/own/conclusions.-all /along/-/

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